
Sunday, April 24, 2011

8 Stocks Guru Paul Tudor Jones Recently Bought

We took a look at the Tudor Group portfolio, run by Paul Tudor Jones. Like Jeremy Grantham, it seems the Tudor Group is a closet S&P 500 tracker, adding 328 mostly large cap stocks to the portfolio in the most recent reporting period, including 600,000 shares of SPDR S&P500 ETF Trust (SPY(7.09% of the portfolio). Jones added shares of all of the stocks below during the most recent reporting period. Here’s our commentary on each.
Cisco (CSCO): Shares have been weak as of late, but a return to its core focus should permit CSCO shares to approach $30 by year's end. Citi recently forecast a return to IT growth rates to 1.5-2xs GDP growth. Cisco should be pleased as the world’s largest purveyor of data networking equipment. We estimate fair value north of $30 per share. Its forward P/E of 9.8 also suggests it is currently attractive for investors. With a coordinated effort to stabilize Japan and the world’s currently meek-voiced economic momentum, it is reassuring for the analysts at Citi as much as it is for those who decided to lever their portfolios to this trend through Cisco.

AT&T (T): AT&T made waves recently, after being a multi-year leader in adoption of Apple's (AAPL) iPhone technology. AT&T is looking to purchase the fourth largest cell phone provider in the states, T-Mobile. This provides valuable, complementary spectrum to AT&T's non-CDMA technology and an exit plan for Deutsche Telecom (DTEGY.PK). Shares trade at a P/E of 8.8, P/B of 1.5, and P/S of 1.4. The industry averages are 16.1, 2.0, and 1.4, respectively. From 2001 to 2007, T shares traded at a P/S of 2.9, 2.1, 2.1, 2.1, 1.9, 2.2 and 2.2 respectively. In 2010, EPS was $3.35, which was an increase of 58.02%, after decreasing by 1.85% in 2009. The company expects mid-single digit EPS growth or better in 2011. Q1 2011 results are revealed on April 21. The stock yields 5.6%.

Citi (C): The banking giant, with a market cap of $128.43B, seems to finally be pulling out of the financial crisis. Earnings were once again positive in 2010, and are expected to grow a good amount in the next few years. Citi is trading at a price/book ratio of only .79, despite the renewed earnings and solid 15.22% operating margin. The company recently reinstated a dividend of 1 cent per share, a mostly symbolic gesture to show that the company’s financial conditions are improving. Analysts expect the dividend to be raised to a more significant amount by 2012. One of the biggest American banks, Citi is well diversified globally, with operations around the world. With its extensive resources, it should be able to position itself for success down the road. Nonetheless, Citi will not be under $5 for long. The company has announced a reverse 1-10 stock split. While partly a psychological move, the reverse split will also allow institutional investors, many of whom cannot buy stocks that trade under $5, to buy Citi stock. This should enlarge the investor base and potentially drive up the share price. Guru investor Bill Ackman is also a shareholder.
Microsoft (MSFT) Trading at 24.80 with a forward P/E of 9.0, Microsoft defined what it was to be a new school blue-chip -- so much so that calling it "new school" today will get you odd looks. It has been trending lower for the past couple of months, but didn’t react sharply to news out of Japan. Currently analysts, including Oppenheimer, have price targets for the company as high as $36/share, giving it plenty of room for upward movement. Leadership remains strong and the stable of talent ready to lead is very substantial.
Apache Corporation (APA): Apache is one of the largest independent exploration and production companies in the world with plays throughout North America, and oil and gas projects in Egypt, Australia, Argentina and the U.K. President Obama called natural gas’ potential as a vehicle fuel “enormous”, and Apache has already undertaken steps to push natural gas fuel. Apache announced that it would provide a compressed natural-gas fuel station at Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental Airport to serve the airport parking shuttle fleet. This move is likely just the first of many as Apache tries to expand the role of CNG-powered vehicles.
Starwood Property Trust (STWD): Reflects the fact that the commercial and residential real estate market has turned a corner. 2010 Q1, Q2, and Q3 net incomes came in as positive. By the way, the current yield is a robust 5.25 percent. The company is focused primarily on originating, investing in, financing and managing commercial mortgage loans and other commercial real estate debt investments. It also invests in residential mortgage-backed securities and residential mortgage loans.
Noble Energy (NBL): Looking at historical figures, investors have priced in revenue growth in excess of 25% and EPS growth well above the highest estimates. Given the improving global economic environment and resultant higher demand for oil and gas, and Noble’s discovered reserves, we expect Noble to continue increase production and sales at its current pace, we expect revenues at $3.4 billion. Assuming a price to sales multiple of 5.5, we place a price target of $105.50. You’re looking at making 9% here. These shares do not provide aggressive capital appreciation at this point, but are a buy.
Noble Energy is a leading independent energy company engaged in worldwide oil and gas exploration and production. The company has core operations onshore in the U.S., primarily in the DJ Basin, in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, offshore Eastern Mediterranean, and offshore West Africa. This company does have exposure in Saudi Arabia.
Peabody Energy (BTU): Peabody also operates primarily in the large, western mines of the Powder River Basin. The company holds some developed coal interests in Australia as well. Both China and India are likely to be huge coal importers in the near future, which was likely part of Peabody's plan in developing its Australian mines. Our fair value estimate for Peabody is $58.50.

美国联储局商量退市 股市要遇大麻烦?


联储局内部就QE2结束后怎麽办一直有不同意见,3月的会议纪录显示,部分与会者相信今年应收紧银根,但另一派认为美国经济仍然疲弱,不适宜收紧货币政 策。联储局主席伯南克(Ben Bernanke)本月较早前称商品价格高企对通胀可能只有「短暂」影响,上月亦曾表示将回笼资金继续投资美债是联储局退市工具之一。

彭博通讯社指出,市场人士预计联储局将在周三确认6月如期结束买债计划,但伯南克会继续将6000亿美元买债计划里到期国债的回笼资金重新投资于美债,维 持资产负债表规模。彭博上月访问了50名经济师,45人预期联储局将维持美债资产规模,当中16人预计将维持4至6个月,11人相信维持1至3个月,14 人相信维持7至9个月,4人预计超过9个月。

Brown Brothers Harriman固定收益关系管理及企业发展部门主管Jeffrey Schoenfeld指出,上述措施仍属量化宽鬆政策,他称之为QE2.5。达拉斯联邦储备银行前行长Robert McTeer月初接受内地和讯财经网站访问时亦预计,QE2结束后,联储局可能会进行QE2.5的措施。


联储局去年11月推出QE2,开始6000亿美元买债计划,旨在压低利率,减低借贷成本以促进经济。虽然QE2成效成疑,但就连批评者亦担心,一旦QE2 结束,股市及商品市场可能出现大逆转。Optionsellers.com的资产经理James Cordier便说﹕「联储局将如走钢线,若QE就此结束,那麽便是政策大改变,市场将会翻转,联储局会加以避免。」

QE2.5只是退市三部曲的第一部。MKM Partners首席市场策略师Michael Darda相信,若美国在联储局停止再印钞买债后经济仍继续增长,联储局便会开始任由资产负债表上的美债到期,接才会开始减持资产或调高短期息率。他认 为,这最后一幕可能要在1年后才会发生.


Saturday, April 9, 2011


【李兵】:我1997年入市,从第一笔投资400股宇通客车开始,至2000年陆续投入本金约4万元。自2003年至今每年都保持了盈利。其中,2003年、2004年获利一倍以上,2005年盈利8%,2006年30%,2007年130%,2008年35%,2009年100%,2010 年70%。投入的4万元本金至去年年底已增至140多万元,累计上涨了34倍。

【李兵】:概括起来8个字:尊重趋势,顺势而为。当股市趋势向上时一路持有,向下时不能补仓。如果在趋势向下时过早补仓就相当于“再次犯错”。因此,作为资金量非常有限的普通散户在炒股时千万不能不尊重趋势——股价一跌就补仓。其实,这方面我也曾走过弯路。记得我第一次大额投资买的是海信电器,当时从 12元多开始建仓,一跌就买、越跌越买,最后一次买入时价格已跌至6.5元。后来,海信电器跌到5.4元时实在撑不住了,只好清仓,结果亏了60%,教训极为深刻。从2003年开始能够持续盈利,主要也是得益于趋势交易,顺势而为,不与趋势作对。